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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr.Harsh Kumar Baid, Dr.Vanita Kumar, Dr.Neelu Gupta, Dr. DharmChand Kothari*


Adenocarcinoma is the most common malignancy of the prostate and one of the leading causes of death in males. Prostate cancer accounts for 14% of cancer deaths, the second highest in men after lung cancer. Serum PSA, Fine Needle Aspiration cytology (FNAC) and core biopsy integration of these methods into diagnostic triad has enhanced the early detection of prostate cancer at early stage which is curable. Gleason’s grading and serum PSA level are important markers for estimating prognosis of prostatic cancer. Methods and Material: 70 cases of prostatic malignancy, admitted to department of urology were included in this study. Serum PSA level of prostate was record in all cases. Needle Core Biopsy and TURP specimens were examined for histopathological diagnosis and Gleason grading was done according to Gleason grading system where ever possible. Results: In the present study 70 cases of prostatic carcinoma were study out of which 68 cases were adenocarcinoma (63 cases were conventional adenocarcinoma and 5 cases were adenocarcinoma foamy cell variant) and 2 cases were transitional cell carcinoma. Prostatic carcinoma was most common in 7th decade. Maximum No. of patient has serum PSA level >10ng/ml (92.85% cases of carcinoma). The sensitivity (92.3%) were maximum for serum PSA level > 4 ng/ml for prostatic carcinoma. Transitional cell carcinoma (2.9%) is a less common type of carcinoma other than adenocarcinoma which occur primarly in prostate. According to Gleason grading system maximum no. of cases of adenocarcinoma (65.71%) were found moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma which have Gleason score 5-7. Followed by poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (28.6%) which have Gleason score 8-10. 2 cases were found well differentiated adenocarcinoma (2.9%) which have Gleason score 2-4. Conclusion: Integration of DRE serum PSA level and Biopsy is the best method for detection of Prostate carcinoma. All prostate carcinoma should be graded by Gleason grading system to know the prognosis of carcinoma.

Keywords: Prostate adenocarcinoma, Gleason grading, PSA level, Transitional cell carcinoma.

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