Dr. Bhawana Sharma*, Dr. Vishal Sharma, Dr. Ankita Thakur and Dr. Rupali Sharma
Ayurveda being the most ancient science of the world and Panchakarma being its integral part helps in the management of chronic diseases. It includes Vaman, Virechan, Basti, Nasya and Raktmokshana. It is not only an art of life but also a treatment science which deals with restoration of health, prevention and management of diseases. Nasya is one of the therapy among Panchkarma in which drug can be administered through nasal passage. The Nasya is considered the best and specific procedure for disease of Supraclavicular region like Nasa rogas, shiro rogas, karan roga etc. Acharya Sushruta, has mentioned that instillation of Aushada or Aushadi Siddha Sneha into Nasa Chidhra is defined as Nasya. The dose of drug required is very minimal and action of drug is faster and effective. According to Acharya Charaka nose is the gateway of head so the drug administered through nose as Nasya reaches the brain and eliminates only the morbid Dosha responsible for producing the diseases. The drug administered through nose, acts locally as on Urdhvajatrugata roga and well as systemic diseases such as Parkinson, Frozen shoulder and also for Pusavana karma. So present paper deals with the critical review of Nasya therapy.
Keywords: Nasya, Nasa chidra, Aushdha, urdhwajatrugata.
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