Gokulakrishnan S.*, Dr. K. B. Ilango1, Aravindhan G., Parimalam D., Priyadharshini V., Sneka S., Vignesh K. S.
Effervescent granules are dosage form composed of dry aggregates powder particle; it contain one or more active pharmaceutical ingredient with or without excipients. Due to its low toxicity and onset action will be get fast, so effervescent granules are mostly used. Effervescent granules are uncoated granules containing drug, acid substances, carbonates or hydrogen carbonate which rapidly react with water and liberate CO2. In this review, it gives us information regarding basic mechanism of effervescent granules and its fundamentals and excipients used, different formulation development strategies of effervescent granules with suitable pictorial representation and evaluation of effervescent granules. Additionally packaging, advantages, disadvantages and some marketed formulation details also added. Effervescent granules are prepared by various methods such as wet method, dry method, hot melt extrusion method and non-aqueous method. The above mentioned methods are briefly explained in this review.
Keywords: Effervescent granules, effervescent mechanism, wet method, dry method, non-aqueous method.
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