Dr. Saravpreet Singh*
Maxillary sinusitis (acute or chronic) is defined as a symptomatic inflammation of the maxillary sinus, usually caused by viral, bacterial, allergic or fungal rhinitis. The maxillary sinus is of paramount importance for otolaryngologists, rhinologists, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, head and neck and dental and maxillofacial radiologists. There are four pairs of paranasal sinuses: the maxillary, ethmoid, frontal and sphenoid. They are air-filled, mucosa-lined spaces within the maxillofacial region and skull centred on and communicating with the nasal cavity. Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis (OMS) is a well-recognized condition in both the dental and otolaryngology communities. This review aims to provide better insight into various dental etiologic factors of OMS, clinical examination, radiographic examination and developmental anamolies & pathologic conditions of maxillary sinus to clarify diagnostic disease characteristics and present different treatment plans.
Keywords: Oroantral fistula, Dental implants, Dental infection, direct sinus lift, maxillary sinus.
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