Dr. Rashmi Kishore, Dr. Shashi Kishore*, Dr. Deepak Kumar
Background: There is incidence of microorganisms in the progression of pulp and periapical diseases and complete removal of these microorganisms from the infected root canals is a complicated . The bacteria in primary endodontic infections are mixed in origin, and usually are Gram‑negative anaerobic rods, whereas Enterococcus faecalis is associated with secondary infection. The main goal of endodontic treatment is removal of these microorganisms and their by‑products from the root canal space by using various antimicrobial agents to provide an environment free of microorganisms. Systemic antibiotics as an adjunct appear to be clinically effective in various surgical and nonsurgical endodontic cases. Their administration comes with the potential risk of adverse side effects and the development of resistant strains of microbes. Hence, in Root canal system local application of antibiotics is a more effective mode for delivering the drug. Poly‑antibiotic paste was the first local antibiotic used which is a mixture of minocycline, (a tetracycline), ciprofloxacin and metronidazole. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the antibacterial efficiency of Triple antibiotic paste in root canal pathosis. Material and Methods: Crowns of 45 extracted upper central incisor teeth were sectioned at the cemento‑enamel junction. The samples were stored temporarily in physiological saline solution. The canals were shaped using crown down technique upto F4 protaper file. Enterococcus faecalis was inoculated on Brain heart infusion (BHI) agar plate and incubated anaerobically at 37 °C for 24 h. After incubation, the specimens were removed and then rinsed. In the negative group A (n=15), there was no treatment. In the other group B (n=15), the sections were treated with ledermix paste. The third group C (n=15) is treated with triple antibiotic paste. After disinfection with the medicaments the samples were subjected to CFU-counting evaluations. Results: After treatment, the elimination of bacteria and the smear layer in the medicaments and the positive groups B and C were significantly superior, compared with the negative group A (p<0.01). All the medicaments used in this study exerted antibacterial efficacy against E. faecalis. Triple antibiotic paste had the highest antimicrobial activity compared with ledermix paste. Conclusion: Both medicaments groups, especially the triple antibiotic group, showed satisfactory bactericidal effects in experimentally contaminated root canals.
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