Budhlakoti Kanika*, Garg G. P. and Deepshikha
Importance of breastfeeding is described by both Ayurveda and modern science in detail. Acharyas has mentioned stanyanirukti (Definition of breast milk), stanyapraman (Quantity of breast milk), formation of stanya (breast milk), causes of stanyapravrutti (Milk ejection), properties of stanya, stanyadushtilakshan (Properties of vitiated milk), dhatri (Wet-nurse), dhatripariksha (examination), stanapan-vidhi (Breastfeeding), stanasampat (Merits of breast), stanya-nashahetu (Causes of cessation of milk formation), stanyavriddhidravyas (Galactagogues), stanyapanayana (Weaning), abnormalities of breast milk and its treatment in detail. Stanyapanmeans breastfeeding is nectar for newborn infants as well as for mothers. Breastmilk provides nourishment to infant that is essential for optimal nutrition, cognitive performance andneurological development and immunity. Human breast milk serves as a source of nutrition which isuncontaminated by environmental pathogen. Multiple immunological factors produced by themother’s immune system are transported to infant through breast milk and are associated with aprotective role against infection in children. It reduces the incidence of infantile diarrhoea, suddenInfant Death Syndrome (SIDS), allergic/hypersensitivity diseases, and development of Type 1(Insulin dependent) and Type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus relative to the use of infant formula. This article helps us to explain how breastfeeding is ideal food for baby according to ayurvedic and modernaspects.
Keywords: Stanya, Breastfeeding, Stanyanirukti, Stanyapraman, Stanyadusti, Dhatri, Stanasampat, Stanyanash, Stanyavriddhi, Stanyapanayana.
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