Sonali B. Kharde*, B. R. Pagire, Aishwarya More, Ulka Mhase and Rajashree Vane
Ayurveda is the oldest methodical branch of knowledge which speaks its reality in the sketch of philosophy. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means "The Science of Life". As per ancient Ayurveda scholars for getting a desirable outcome of any medication, it should be precisely analysed before prescribing to the patient. The present article it is aims to gather all the information and literature regarding one of the classical formulations "Gandhak Rasayana". it is widely practiced Ayurveda formulation in Dermatology Practice. Common symptoms in tvachavikar are Daha and Kandu, for these symptoms Gandhak Rasayan is the drug of choice. Gandhak is only one Rasaushadhi which is used in Gandhak Rasayan, and it is mentioned in Yogaratnakar. Rasaushadhis are used in small doses and shows result faster than herbal drugs. As, skin disorders are chronic they need accurate and quicker treatment. Gandhak Rasayan plays a major role in various skin disorders like psoriasis, scabies, eczema, acne, tinea infection and other conditions in Pittaj Tvachavikar. It acts as anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-pruritic and anti-inflammatory drug. As, Gandhak Rasayan is widely used in treatment of skin disorders having excellent result, Gandhak is only one Rasadravya which is used in Gandhak Rasayana, and it is mentioned in Yogaratnakara. All together there are 7 references found for Gandhak Rasayana. we will see the review of various formulations of "Gandhak Rasayana” in this article.
Keywords: Gandhak Rasayan, Rasa-aushadhi, Tvachavikar.
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