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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Kohinoor Akter*, Dr. Abdullah Al Mamun Choudhury, Dr. Afsana Akhter, Dr. Salma Akther and Dr. Masud-Ur-Rahman


Background: Understanding the clinical and laboratory characteristics of both metabolic syndrome and healthy individuals allows for the identification of key differences and helps clinicians in diagnosing and managing metabolic syndrome more effectively. By recognizing these features, healthcare professionals can implement targeted interventions to mitigate the risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome and improve the overall health outcomes of affected individuals. Objective: To assess the Clinical and laboratory characteristics of metabolic syndrome and healthy group. Method: This Cross-sectional study was carried out at Out patient department of Medicine, BSMMU, Shahbagh, Dhaka from March 2020 – July 2021. By non-probability sampling technique 36 diagnosed metabolic syndrome patients, 36 normal healthy subjects will be enrolled in the study. The purpose and procedure of the study was explained in detail and informed written consent was be taken from all the study subjects. Results: During the study, 41 identified as Metabolic Syndrome (M=16, F=25), and 30 identified as healthy individuals (M=11, F=19). Gender has no significant effect on these two groups (p= 0.697). The mean ± SD of age of Metabolic syndrome and healthy individuals were 47.88± 9.69 and 43.43 ±12.68 years respectively. Weight, waist circumference, SBP, and BMI were significantly higher in the Metabolic syndrome group (p< 0.05). The mean of Fasting plasma glucose was significantly higher in the metabolic syndrome group than in healthy individuals (p=0.000). The mean of fasting TG was significantly higher in the metabolic syndrome group than in the healthy group (p=0.000). The mean HDL-C level was statistically not significant between the groups (p=0.197). Conclusion: Based on our study we can say that, Weight, waist circumference, SBP, and BMI were significantly higher in the Metabolic syndrome group. Plus mean of Fasting plasma glucose, mean of fasting TG and mean HDL-C level was significantly higher in the metabolic syndrome group than in the healthy group.

Keywords: Clinical characteristics, metabolic syndrome, fasting glucose.

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