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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Suchetha Aghanashini, *Dr. Tushar Udaykumar Nadagadalli, Dr. Sapna Nadiger, Dr. Darshan Basavaraj Mundinamane, Dr. Apoorva Sokke Mallikarjunappa and Dr. Anusha D.


Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess the Awareness, knowledge and practice measures about Halitosis and its management among the patients visiting dental colleges in Bangalore, south through a printed questionnaire. Materials & Method: A total of 340 patients were included in the study. Knowledge, awareness and practice about halitosis was assessed with the help of a structured questionnaire composed of eleven questions allotted in three categories: Awareness, Knowledge and practice. A consent form and patient information sheet were provided to the patients after a brief explanation about the study and its purpose. All the patients were given the questionnaire in a printed form. Once the patient had marked the answer, the collected data were tabulated and analyzed statistically. Results: A total of 340 patients were assessed on the Awareness, Knowledge and practice about halitosis. The results revealed that of the selected 340 patients, mean age distribution was 34.75 years (range 18- 50 years). Among them 54.4% were males and 45.6% were females. Majority of the respondents agreed that following all oral causes - gum diseases, improper oral hygiene habits and decayed tooth leads to halitosis and also 53.2% of respondents agreed that halitosis is caused by non-oral problems. On the attitude towards people with halitosis, majority (37.1%) answered that they hesitate to talk to other people. On the practice of respondents towards managing the condition of halitosis, 34.4% of them used mouthwashes to manage halitosis. The study revealed that respondents were aware of halitosis as well as measures towards managing the condition. Conclusion: Oral malodor in an individual can significantly affect their self-confidence and social interaction with others. Although in general, people are aware of perceiving bad breath themselves, there is still a need for public awareness campaigns to disseminate more knowledge and management options regarding halitosis. Frequent visits to dental and medical healthcare professionals should be encouraged to mitigate this problem.

Keywords: Halitosis; Bad breath; oral malodor; self-awareness; questionnaire.

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  All Since 2019
 Citation  3086  2560
 h-index  18  17
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