Dr. Ashwini Shantinath Dhole* and Dr. Ramesh Dnyanoba Sonwane
Stroke is the third most common cause of death in the developed world after cancer & Ischemic heart disease and is the most common cause of severe physical disability.[1] This disease has posed a great problem to medical field as far as its treatment is concerned. There is a wealth of treatment available on the cause, prevention, risk and treatment of stroke. Then also, there is no such satisfying and acceptable measure for the stroke. Many studies were conducted in the field of Ayurveda for achieving the better line of management for Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA).[2] A case study of CVA was admitted in the hospital, with complaints of loss of strength in the right side of the body, associated with drowsiness, difficulty in walking, slurred speech, heaviness in affected side of the body with pain, stiffness and bladder incontinence and on examination found Glasgow coma scale was 14/15 and CT scan suggested Multiple varying sizes, patchy, sub-acute infarcts noted in left ganglion-capsular region, left corona radiate, left temporal-parietal lobes and left cerebral peduncle and causing mild effacement of left lateral ventricle, age related cerebral and cerebellar atrophy. Along with laboratory investigations, case was diagnosed as Pakshaghata. Various treatment procedures like Shirodhara, Yogabasti, Panchatiktaksheerabasti, Mustadi Yapan Basti, Shirothalam, Matrabasti, Nasya etc. with oral medicines were adopted at various stages of the disease. There is remarkable improvement in the subjective and objective clinical features. Result is encouraging for the further advance research in CVA.
Keywords: Stroke, Pakshaghata, shirodhara, Basti, Nasya etc.
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