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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Sai Sree Vardhan B., *Vaishnavi G., Silabhadra Samat, Bhanu Sanjana K. and Naveen Kumar Bathula


This article is For STEMI, reperfusion strategy can include fibrinolytic therapy or immediate PCI. For patients with NSTEMI, angiography may be done within 24 to 48 hours of admission if the patient is clinically stable. If the patient is unstable (eg. ongoing symptoms, hypotension or sustained arrhythmias), then angiography must be done immediately. Predict the possible risk factors for myocardial infraction and to adopt the lifestyle changes to reduce the complications of Myocardial infraction. The risk factors include high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, lack of exercise, obesity, high blood cholesterol, poor diet and excessive alcohol intake. The complete blockage of a coronary artery caused by a rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque is usually the underlying mechanism of Myocardial infraction. Many risk factors for myocardial infarction are potentially modifiable, with the most important being tobacco smoking. Smoking appears to be the cause of about 36% and obesity the cause of 20% of coronary artery disease. Lack of physical activity has been linked to 7–12% of cases. Less common causes include stress-related causes such as job stress, which accounts for about 3% of cases, and chronic high stress levels. Family history of Ischemic heart disease, age factor, combined use of oral contraceptive by women and endometriosis. Use of certain pharmacotherapeutic agents are also included in risk factors of myocardial infraction. Methodology: We used various tools to gather the data which include databases such as science direct, PubMed, Medscape, Medline. Results: The result obtained by this review article is, there are many modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for myocardial infraction, which have severe complications. This article let you know how to manage the risk of myocardial infraction by adopting certain lifestyle modifications. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to know about risk factors of myocardial infraction and to adopt certain life style changes accordingly. Thus reduce the complications of myocardial infraction, and maintaining the quality of life.

Keywords: Risk factors, disease comorbidities, age, and pharmacotherapeutic agents.

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