Swati Bhatt*, Lalit Mohan Bhatt, Uttam Kumar Sharma and Shikha Pandey
Originating in India, Yoga and Ayurveda are two ancient, interrelated systems. There are fundamental similarities between them despite their different goals and methods, especially in their holistic and philosophical approaches to wellbeing. Ayurveda deals with complete psycho-spiritual somatic entity and stands for ensuring Arogya, which in turn help to achieve Dharma-artha-kama-moksha, whereas Yoga cares specifically for the psycho-spiritual aspects of life, and thus facilitates Moksha. Yoga and Ayurveda both describe Ausadhi, Mantra, Japa, Samadhi, and other similar techniques to achieve their goals. Even Ayurveda specifically describes the state of higher achievements of Yoga practice including Satya Budhhi. Similarly, the Achara Rasayana and Sadvritta mentioned in Ayurveda is the same as Yama and Niyama mentioned in Yogic science. Yoga is not limited to physical postures and fitness in same way Ayurveda is not limited to herbal remedies for physical disorders. Both systems have deeper layers and Ayurveda conceives the purest form of Yoga. The critical study of the ayurvedic classics indicates that most of the basic concepts of Yoga are already described in ayurvedic texts thus, Yoga is an integral part of Ayurveda. These two science combinedly brings out the full healing of the body.
Keywords: Yoga, Ayurveda, Arogya, Moksha, Satya Buddhi.
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