Dr. Sareeka Khanna Solanki*, Dr. Jagruti Richhariya and Dr. Rajendra Singh Patel
Eye is the most essential sense organ of our body so that our modern science as well as our great ancient science
gives the greatest importance to eye related disorders in the curative and preventive manner. Raktmokshana is one
of the parasurgical, detoxification methods of Panchakarma. It is the process of elimination of vitiated Dosha that
accumulate in the body. Raktmokshana is practiced globally in India since ancient times to treat Netrarogas, the
diseases of eyes were caused due to vitiation of tridoshas, It removes some of these toxins and vitiated doshas
which are accumulated in the body. Raktamokshana would be the choice to treat them and break their
pathophysiology. Raktamokshana helps to remove vitiated doshas which are responsible for disease. It’s
purification approach which removes toxins, purify blood and helps get relief from symptoms. Raktmokshana is a
effective blood purification therapy which has property to subside the pain, swelling, redness and burning sensation
immediately and in which small quantity of blood removed to neutralize accumulated Pitta and Rakta dosha
mainly of many blood born diseases. It is very effective ancient method of Panchakarma neglected by physician.
So it is the need to spread awareness about Raktmokshana and its efficacy in netra roga. Thus Raktmokshana is the
alternative therapy promising more effective and safer outcomes for the society.
Keywords: Rakthamokshana, Jalaukavcharana, Netraroga.
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