Dr. Padmashree*, Dr. Mamatha K. V. and Dr. Divya Stuvert
Ayurveda has given prime importance to Shirah, considering it as one of the three principal vital organs of the body where the Prana i.e. life resides. Acharya Charaka has considered Shirah as the supreme, important and major part of the body which is known as the Uttamanga.[1] As per Ayurveda acharyas Shirasoola is the main symptom in all Shiro rogas, also described as an independent disease entity as “Shiro-roga”. Vyadhi vinischaya according to Ayurveda has two basic components mainly Rogapariksha and Rogipariksha. Among them Rogapariksha gives us the detailed knowledge about a disease starting from the etiological aspects to the actual manifestation of disease. Nidana is the foremost component of Nidana Panchaka, which not only gives knowledge about causative factors of diseases but also helps in planning treatment protocol. Therefore, an attempt has been made to analyze the Nidanas mentioned in classics and its relevance in modern day lifestyle.
Keywords: Shiroroga, Shirashoola, Nidana, Headcahe, Migraine, Ayurveda.
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