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European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (EJPMR) has indexed with various reputed international bodies like : Google Scholar , Indian Science Publications , InfoBase Index (In Process) , SOCOLAR, China , Research Bible, Fuchu, Tokyo. JAPAN , International Society for Research activity (ISRA) , Scientific Indexing Services (SIS) , Polish Scholarly Bibliography , Global Impact Factor (GIF) (Under Process) , Universal Impact Factor , International Scientific Indexing (ISI), UAE  , Index Copernicus , CAS (A Division of American Chemical Society) USA (Under Process) , Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ, Sweden, in process) , UDLedge Science Citation Index , CiteFactor , Directory Of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI) , Indian citation Index (ICI) , Journal Index (JI, Under Process) , Directory of abstract indexing for Journals (DAIJ) , Open Access Journals (Under Process) , Impact Factor Services For International Journals (IFSIJ) , Cosmos Impact Factor , Jour Informatics (Under Process) , Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) , International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF) , Science Library Index, Dubai, United Arab Emirates , Pubmed Database [NLM ID: 101669306] (Under Process) , IP Indexing (IP Value 2.40) , Web of Science Group (Under Process) , Directory of Research Journals Indexing , Scholar Article Journal Index (SAJI) , International Scientific Indexing ( ISI ) , Scope Database , Academia , 

 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Rosmi Sabu, Sandra T. Joseph*, Sania Mary Sebastian, Sanuja N., Shanon C. Biju and Prince Christopher



The research project undertaken was “A study to assess the level of insomnia and its associated factors among
adults in selected areas at Pallithottam, Kollam”. Objectives of the study were to find out the level of insomnia
among adults and to assess the associated factors of insomnia among adults. Non-experimental research design was
adopted for this study. The study sample was selected by convenience sampling technique. The tool used for the
data collection consisted of socio-demographic proforma, standardized questionnaire to assess the level of
insomnia and a self structured questionnaire to assess the associated factors of insomnia. Basic introduction of the
study was given to the subjects and data was collected from 300 samples using self administrated tool. The analysis
of data was based on the objective of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the present
study revealed that 52.33 % of sample had no clinically significant insomnia, 24% had mild insomnia, 13.66% had
moderate insomnia and 10% had severe insomnia. The study showed that there was significant association between
education level of the participant. There was no significant association between other demographic variables like
age, sex and job status. The study also showed that there is significant association between level of insomnia and
pain, use of mobile phone, consumption of coffee, tea, spicy and fried food before bed time, noisy sleeping
environment, job stress, intake of antihypertensive drugs and emotional factors like stress and anxiety. There was
no significant association between level of insomnia and physical factors like chronic diseases, dyspnea, any other
physical deformities, use of electronic devices like T.V and computer, consumption of soft drinks, fatty food,
taking day time naps, use of alcohol, cigarettes and cannabis, taking of regular medicines like hypoglycemic and
thyroid medicines and emotional factors like loss of loved ones.

Keywords: Assess, level, insomnia, structured questionnaire.

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  All Since 2019
 Citation  3086  2560
 h-index  18  17
 i10-index  64  44



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