Dr. Rethika* and Dr. Divya Stuvert
Timira is one among the Netra Roga specifically mentioned in Dristigata Roga which means darkness. According to different Acharyas Timira is classified into Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja and Sannipathaja. Considering the different stages, Kaphaja Timira can be correlated to cataract which is classified under avoidable blindness. Cataract is a multifactorial disease where there will be opacification of lens leading to visual disturbance followed by blindness in mature stages. The concept of Kriyakala is explained by Acharya Susruta in the context of vrana to understand the prognosis of the disease and it guides us when to intervene. Kriyakala can be categorized as Prakruta and Vaikruta. As cataract comes under the avoidable blindness the knowledge of Kaphaja Timira with special reference to Senile cataract through Kriyakala aids in prevention and better management. In this article the significance of Kriyakala in relation to Kaphaja Timira prevention and management in the respective stages is described. Pathophysiology of cataract specially in the ageing lens is analysed in understanding the Kriyakala of the Kaphaja Timira.
Keywords: Timira, cataract, Kriyakala, Ageing lens, Senile cataract.
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