Sonatta Monica Jose*, Sonoma Maria K. B. and S. Jabeen Taj
Pityriasis rosea, also known as pityriasis rosea Gibert, is a papulosquamous disorder characterized by a common skin condition featuring a generalized scaly eruption, typically manifesting on the trunk and proximal extremities, which gives it a distinctive "Christmas Tree" appearance. This case report delves into the medical history of a 65-year-old male suffering from bronchial asthma, who presented with complaints of swelling and pain in the left limb. Following a venous Doppler examination confirming left lower limb cellulitis, further investigations revealed additional health concerns, including fatty liver, acute kidney injury, compartment syndrome, and sepsis. Subsequently, the patient underwent above-knee amputation of the left lower limb and below-knee amputation of the right lower limb. Later, on the 51st day of admission, the patient developed itching and redness over the trunk, prompting a dermatological evaluation. Upon examination, distinct erythematous patches with mild scaling were observed distributed across the patient's back. A potassium hydroxide (KOH) examination of the patient's collected specimen confirmed the presence of Pityriasis Rosea. This particular case of Pityriasis Rosea was attributed to the development of bed sores, representing a rare association between these two conditions. Consequently, this case report underscores the critical importance of diligent monitoring for the presence of bed sores to prevent the onset of such scaly lesions and potential complications.
Keywords: Pityriasis Rosea, bed sore, Sepsis, Cellulitis.
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