Shyam Jat*, Shiromani Mishra and Ravindra Sharma
Vajikarana; is special therapeutic and strengthening approach of Ayurveda, focuses on the enhancement of sexual potency. This can be correlated with the aphrodisiac therapy as per modern science meant for the management of reproductive disorders, including Klaibya, Bandhyatva, Shukraghata Vata and premature ejaculation, etc. The term Vrishya is also used for Vajikara, this term mainly used with reference refers to the aphrodisiac effects of Dravyas. There are many herbs or traditional Ayurvedic formulations which offer Vrishya Karma property and Kapikacchu is one of them. This natural drug improves seminal parameters and cure sexual dysfunction. Kapikacchu mainly cited as Vrishya Dravya in many Ayurvedic texts. It enhances quantity and quality of Shukra. This drug alleviate anxiety associated with sexual performance, modulate hormones, helps in treating reproductive disorders and improves overall sexual performance. This article emphasizes role of Ayurveda drugs in Vajikarana; W.S.R. to the contribution of Kapikacchu in Vrishya Karma.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Kapikacchu, Vrishya Karma, Vajikarana, Sexual, Aphrodisiac.
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