*Dr. Meenu Doni, Prof. Mohd. Aleemuddin Quamri and Dr. Mohammad Iliyas Patel
Sosan (Iris ensata Thunb.) a member of the family Iridacacea, is native to North-Western Himalaya. The purpose
of this article is to highlight the medicinal properties of Sosan based on its temperament and phytoconstituents, as
well as to show its potential. This review will look into the mechanism-based understanding of Sosan's activities
and therapeutic uses, focusing on Unani medical literature and other diseases described in the Unani system of
medicine, as well as phytochemistry, pharmacological, pre-clinical and clinical studies. Sosan was explored in
classical Unani literature for its temperament (Mizāj), medicinal properties, and therapeutic uses. Published works
available on Pub Med, Science Direct, and Google Scholar were used to compile all the available data regarding its
phytochemicals and pharmacological studies. „The Plant List‟ was used to verify the scientific names of the plants
( The necessary Unani terminologies were described using the Standard Unani Medical
Terminology, which was issued by the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine in partnership with the
WHO. For botanical and English names, The Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants and different indexed journals
were used. Based on the available literature, it can be concluded that Iris ensata is a drug that has been effectively
utilized in Unani Medicine for centuries to cure a variety of ailments. Its phytopharmacological characteristics have
been extensively researched. Still, many potentially bioactive chemicals need to be investigated scientifically, and
there are no extensive studies of their biological activity accessible. We recommend future research be focused on
its bioactive components and their activities.
Keywords: Iris ensata Thunb, Sosan, Traditional medicine, Unani medicine.
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