Shilpa L. Gupta* and Hemalata R. Jalgaonkar
Ayurveda is the science which deals with maintenance of health and cure of disease. It stands on the frame work of Tridoshas, Sapta Dhathus and Trimalas. Apart from the sapta dhatus, upadhatus also play an important role. In female, Artava the upadhatu of rasa dhatu is responsible for conception. Hence, the healthy status of Artava is of prime importance when it comes to reproductive health. Any abnormality in Artava and its functions has an impact on menstrual regulation as well as reproduction. So within the inherent constitutional frame work of doshas and timely administration of Aushadha, Aahara and Vihara will restore the doshik balance which in turn keeps artava in samyavastha. Artavakshaya is one of the important diseases pertaining to artava. It is characterised by delayed, scanty menstruation associated with lower abdominal pain during menstruation. In classics, based on the pathophysiology of Lakshana by considering Dosha, Dushya, Agni, Srotas etc. this condition can be considered as Artava Kshaya. It is Agnimandhyajanya Vikara having Bahudoshavastha with Kapha Vata Dushti where Kapha produces Avarana to Vata Dosha and obstructs Artava Vaha Srotas. So, using agney dravyas Deepana Pachana followed with Shamana Chikitsa corrects the pathophysiology Artava Kshaya. By this the agni will be stimulated which helps in digestion of ama, formation of ahara rasa, which later on forms the Rasa dhatu from which the Artava is formed. Thus menstrual health can be maintained from the onset of menstruation till the menopause. The basic physiology of the menstrual cycle is a complex mechanism. This involves sequence of phases in coordination with the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary, ovary and endometrium. Normalcy and rhythmic menstruation are prime factors for normal reproduction. The menstrual cycle with all its complexities can be easily perturbed and lead to Oligomenorrhoea and Hypomenorrhea the most common conditions seen in the present era.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Artavkshaya, Doshadhatu, Kaphavata, Agneydravyas, Shamanchikitsa.
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