Azza Fathi Ibrahim Mohammed, Abrar Khalid Aloufi, Amina Ibrahim Badawy Othman and
Sally Ebrahim Ali*
Background: There is an extreme need for Competency-Based Nursing Education (CBNE) in nursing schools,
which is approved as an effective educational delivery option for preparing a competent nursing graduate. But there
are limited shreds of evidence to help the academic nursing staff to implement CBNE. Aim: A comprehensive
literature review of CBNE aimed to explore and describe the educational concepts, trials, challenges, and problems
concerning CBNE. Design: A literature review design using a comprehensive analysis, and descriptive techniques
of literature was conducted belonging to CBNE. A qualitative and quantitative description of the findings was
carried out. Method: A current review was derived from Science Direct, CINAHL, Web of Science, Google
Scholar, PubMed, and SCOPUS. There are many key terms that are allied to the CBNE topic (from 2010 to 2024).
A qualitative analysis and sorting of three data presentation themes were used. Results: The current literature
sample provided clear and enough data about major concepts and the CBNE framework, while planning,
implementing, and evaluating those concepts have considerable confusion. The review clarified the CBNE
challenges and some suggestions for overcoming them. Reliability, validity, objectivity, and operational exemplary
models are still lacking. Conclusion: The CBNE review is a significant tool for nursing educators to accomplish fit
roles in preparing nursing graduate competencies.
Keywords: Competency-Based Nursing Education, Competence, Competency, Performance, Nursing Educators.
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