Dr. Sonam Yadav*, Dr. Krishna Kumar Tiwari and Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan
Everything in the universe as we know it today is made of energy that is crammed into an incredibly tiny space that is much smaller than an atom or a grain of sand. The cosmos was created as a result of this unfathomably hot and dense cauldron, which for some reason exploded at a horrifying rate.[14] The science of healing and well-being, Ayurveda, discusses the human body, diagnosis, and treatment in detail and in quotes. It is not only a medical school; it also provided scientific ideas such as the distance between the earth and the sun, as stated in Hanuman Chaalisa[1], and the origin of the universe (rich), as stated by acharyas. These ideas were provided by ayurveda acharyas when modern science was ignorant of evolution. There are numerous references to evolution in Ayurveda, including the Srishti utpatti karma (the process of evolution) that Acharyas discussed and Samudra Marthan, which was carried out by both good and wicked souls and resulted in the creation of everything on earth. According to the big bang hypothesis, the universe was created from a single massive particle. Similarly, the Vedas mention that the universe was created from a single source known as the golden egg. Only the contemporary idea of the universe's creation is widely understood since the concept of evolution at the time was presented in quotation marks and had a deeper meaning that we do not fully comprehend. In order to reveal their deeper meaning, an attempt has been made to research and elaborate many concepts of the origin and evolution of the universe (srishti utpatt, as mentioned by Acharyas).
Keywords: Ayurveda, vedas, evolution, Srishti Umpani, and big hang theory.
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