Mohammad Ali*, Pooja V., Sahana L., Shalini B. V. and Sindhu S.
Aim: The aim of the present study was to formulate and evaluate of poppy exfoliator facial scrub containing a blend of natural ingredients (Poppy seeds, Sandalwood powder, Rice flour, Turmeric powder, badam oil and rose water) and cosmetics excipients (Sodium lauryl sulfate, Methyl paraben, Glycerin, Carbopol 936) that provides exfoliating, nourishing and protective benefits to the skin. Method: The present study we attempt develop a poppy exfoliator facial scrub by mixing ingredients together in a mortar and pestle and the formulated products were assessed by using different evaluation method like sensitivity, pH, spreadability, greatness, grittiness test etc. Results: Among all the formulation there’s no change in physical properties. All the prepared poppy facial scrubs were checked for the pH. The pH of all the formulation found in the range of 5-7 these are well between the ranges for topical administration. The formulation F4 has showed the pH 6.7 therefore there is no need of adjusting the pH of formulation. The formulation F1, F2, F3, and F4 shows 5.13gm/sec, 5gm/sec, 4.96gm/sec, 5.06gm/sec spreadability respectively. All the formulation shows the values within the standard value, F4 shows the better spreadability compares to others. Conclusion: From the above results it is concluded that F4 formulation shows good consistency and spreadability, pH, grittiness, sensitivity. From the above study it can be concluded that poppy exfoliator facial scrub is safe to use and natural remedies are more acceptable now a days.
Keywords: Poppy Seeds, Facial Scrub, Exfoliator, Hydrating agent, Skin care.
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