Sanju Aggarwal, Udit Mishra, Paribhashita Mishra and *K.P. Ranjan
Background: Maternal anemia, low birth weight of children and maternal mortality are some of the burning issues in developing countries. Antenatal care is the care of the woman during pregnancy whose primary aim is to achieve healthy mother and the healthy baby. Aims and Objective: To determine the comparing the socio demographical characteristics, obstetrical complications and maternal and fetal outcomes in booked and unbooked mothers (i.e. antenatal care attendees and non-attendees) with a view to determine the correlation of maternal and perinatal outcomes with antenatal care. Material and method: This study in booked and un-booked pregnant mothers to hospitals. There were 500 unbooked and 500 booked pregnant women during the period of 19 months. The Study population was divided into two groups; group A-Booked mothers and group B- Un-booked mothers. Booked patients were those who had attended antenatal clinic at least four times and the un-booked group included the patients who had not attended the antenatal care clinic or less than four visits. Results: Maximum number of cases was found between 21-25 years of age. A total 68.6% unbooked cases belonged to low socioeconomic status. Maximum number of patients came directly. Out of 1000 studied anemia found in 7.6% cases in booked cases and 29.8% in unbooked cases and all cases of hand prolapsed were seen in unbooked group. Postpartum hemorrhage seen in 0.6% in booked cases and 1.6% in unbooked cases. Spontaneous vaginal delivery was the major mode of delivery. The low birth weight babies found in 15.6% in booked cases and 43.4% in unbooked cases. Preterm babies seen in 12.4% in booked cases and 40.2% in unbooked cases. Meconium stained liquor seen in 1.4% in booked cases and 3.8% in unbooked cases. Intrauterine fetal death was seen in 1% in booked group and 9% in unbooked group and totals 9 cases of maternal mortality in which 1 in booked cases and 8 in unbooked cases.
Keywords: Maternal anemia, booked and unbooked mothers, perinatal morbidity.
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