Dr. Yogeshwar Namdev Surnar* and Dr. Rashmi Anil Kale
Pilonidal sinus is a common disease of the natal cleft in the sacrococcygeal region with weak hair accumulation occurring in the hair follicles, which can be chronic and undergo acute exacerbation. The patient presents with the complaints, which are characteristics of inflammation-a painful swelling, redness, local temperature raised or with a sinus discharge. Prolong sitting, presence of deepnatal cleft, obesity, repeated irritation due to hair, family historymay increase the risk of disease. In Ayurvedic science Pilonidal sinus is better correlated and treated as the Nadi vrana. Acharya Sushruta mentioned eight types of sinuses as nadivarna. Among these, pilonidal sinus canbe considered under shalyaj nadivrana (sinus due to foregion body) and He had explained Shastra Chikitsa with the intervention of kshar sutra as one of the treatment for Nadi vrana (sinuses). A case of pilonidal sinus in 32y/m patient was thoroughly examined and treated with ksharsutra therapy. Tuft (bulk) of hairs were expled out during procedure. Ksharsutra is ideal procedure to be adopted for the management of sinus track for not only it destroys the fibrous wall of track but also helps in its curettage. In this study elicits a case report of a pilonidal sinus treated by the intervention of kshar sutra, which cured and No recurrence or No any complain were found in the patient during follow up.
Keywords: Pilonidal sinus, kshar sutra, Nadi vrana.
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