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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Rohit Radha Krishnan, MDS, *Dr. Jayachandran Dorairaj, MDS, Dr. Sunantha Selvaraj, MDS and
Dr. Ravi Saranyan, MDS


The primary objective of periodontal therapy is to stop disease progression. Increasing knowledge of anaerobic bacteria as pre-dominant agents in the development of periodontal diseases has led to new treatment strategies aiming primarily at the suppression or elimination of specific periodontal pathogens. The present study is to evaluate the clinical and microbiological effects of topical subgingival application of a biodegradeable 10% doxycycline polymer adjuctive to non-surgical periodontal therapy. Materials and Methodology: 10 patients aged more than 35 years suffering from moderate to severe chronic periodontitis. Patients choosen for the study had at least 3 pockets, 5 to 8 mm in that which bleed on probing in each of the two maxillary quadrants. The range between the probing pocket depth at the control sites of the study Teeth Within patient was not to exceed 2mm. Evaluations at the baseline visit and at the follow up evaluation at 1 week 1 month 3 month and 6 months rounded to the nearest mm. Following 10 days of incubation the total number of colony forming units were counted. Statistical Analysis: Mean and standard deviation where estimate for the sample for each study group mean values were compared by using student’s paired T test. In the present study p < be less than 0.05 was considered as a level of significance. Results: In this study, the split mouth study design was used. the present study indicated that the total anaerobic bacterial cell count was significantly reduced in the group receiving local delivered doxycycline adjunctive to SRP compared to the group receiving SRP alone at 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 6 months after baseline the total anaerobic bacterial cell count had not returned to the baseline value even at 6 months in the doxycycline SRB group.

Keywords: Chronic Periodontitis, Atridox, Local Drug Delivery.

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 h-index  18  17
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