Dr. Promila Mohar Singh Thakur* and Dr. Dattatrya B. Chavan
In Ayurveda, Grahani dosha is one of the Ashtomahagada.[1] On the basis of signs and symptoms, it can be correlated to irritable bowel syndrome of modern science. Diseases of digestive system constitute a major health problem in India. Digestive diseases affect the person at the prime period of life i.e., children during the crucial stage of growth and development by hampering proper nutrition. Grahani is the seat of Agni (Digestive fire). Grahani and agni are interrelated.[2] Normally it retains the food till it is fully digested and passes it to the Pakwashya. Grahani is the disease of cinical importance in this modern era because of improper dietary habbits and streeful life style. Today's life style and stress leads. To vitiation of doshas and weakness of agni, so grahani releases undigested food which is fermented. It is called Ama.[3] Ama production leads to Grahani dosha. Grahanidosha is due to functional derangement of Grahani. Grahani roga is advanced stage of it. Grahaniroga is common problem in childhood due to over eating, more ingestion of cool (ice cream), heavy, dry, fried food and changing lifestyle. Agnimandya is the main factor in the samprapti of grahani dosha. So garahni roga can be managed by Agnivardhana deepana and pachana drugs and change in life style.
Keywords: Grahani, Agni, Grahani dosha, Grahani roga, Deepana, Pachana.
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