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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Farshid A.,* Dr. C. S. R. Lakshmi and Dr. L. V. G. Nargund


Background: Triptans are effective medicines used to treat migraine and certain other headaches. This study has been done to prepare nanoparticles of triptans by ion gelation technique using different drug to polymer ratios and cross linking agent and then evaluated. The aim of this study was to prepare and evaluate intranasal spray of Chitosan loaded Triptan nanoparticles (TNP) having high entrapment efficiency (EE) and low particle size (PS) as a new specific nasal spray for anti-migraine activity to achieve faster and higher levels of drug absorption in the brain through olfactory route, bypass the blood- brain barrier and allow the direct transport of the drug from nose to the brain. Methods: We developed a specific Triptan nano nasal spray (TNNS) by ion gelation method for anti-migraine activity. Chitosan as polymer and sodium tripoly-phosphate (TPP) as a cross linking agent, were used at different levels to prepare Triptan nanoparticles with high entrapment efficiency and low particle size. Completion of the reaction was confirmed by Infrared spectroscopy (IR spectra). Nanoparticles were evaluated for shape, surface morphology, polydispersity index, zeta potential, particle size distribution and entrapment efficiency. After filling the nanoparticles of triptans in metered dose nasal spray containers along with suitable excipients, in-vitro analysis of the drug loaded chitosan nanoparticles from the metered dose spray device (MDS) was carried out for clarity test, pH, viscosity, assay of the drug, content uniformity, plume geometry and spray pattern analysis. Results: Among all the formulations, formulation of Almotriptan-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (AC5) have small particle size of 75.3 ± 3.5 nm and high entrapment efficiency of 75.4 ± 0.4%. Conclusions: In this study, we have found that the chitosan nanoparticles in presence of 0.75 % TPP as a cross linking agent could be used as delivery vehicle of triptans.

Keywords: Triptan, Nanoparticles, Chitosan, Ion-gelation Method.

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