Anita Kumari*, R. S. Sarashetti, Kashinath Hadimur, K. A. Patil and Anil Bhardwaj
Shilajatu is one of the rasadravyamentioned in the classical texts. Shilajatu is obtained from the mountain in the form of exudate which comes out in summer season. The reference of Shilajatu in Charaka Samhitais found that “metals like gold and others are present in the rocks which receive the sun rays and secreate the exudates which is known as shilajatu. And in susrut samhita it is mentioned that in the summer season the rocks or Himalayas get heat up and release a gum like substance which is known as shilajatu. Now a days a number of antimicrobial agent are well known to science but Unfortunately, even with the presence of these agent, still most of physician are unable to treat infectious disease properly. In the treatment of these infection some of physician may face problem like- development of resistance, adverse effect andpatient affordability. With the above discussion, it is clear that the need for finding safe, cost effective drug is always welcome, which may be an ideal replacement to these antimicrobial agent. Shilajatu may be the solution to this problem. Shodhita shilajatu, satwapatita shilajatu, Benzathine penicillin (antibacterial), Flucanazole (antifungal), distilled water formed the drug materials and 4 strains of bacteria & 2 strains of fungi, agar media, chemicals & glass wears formed the materials for study. Cup plate method was followed.
Keywords: Shodhita shilajaju, Satwapatita Shilajaju, Benzathine penicillin (antibacterial), Flucanazole antimicrobial.
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