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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Bop. M. C., Sow P. G.* and Ndiaye P.


Background: Viral hepatitis constitutes a major public health problem world wide. The consequences of chronic liver diseases put a considerable economic burden upon the communities afflicted with the diseases. Viral hepatitis is the predominant risk factor associated with hepatocellular carcinoma. Objective: The aim of the present research is to carry out epidemiological studies concerning the laboratory out-come management of Hepatitis C co – infection with HIV and TB in a well defined hospital based population. Materials and Methods: Epidemiological studies were carried out among 1320 patients admitted at Bio-Amarie Laboratory of biology/Kaolack come management of hepatitis C (HCV) and Co – infections with HIV and TB over a period of four years (2012 – 2016). The grand diagnostic kits were used to analyze blood samples for HBV, HCV and HIV while sputum samples were analyzed for TB using the Zel Nielsen (ZN) staining technique. Results: A CD4 lymphocyte count of 0-200 cells/mml was found in 625 (47.3%) individuals. Out of these, 393 were found to be in WHO stage l clinical status. A further 409 with CD4 count of 201-400 cell/mml were grouped as stage lll (254) and stage IV (155).These together was determined as being eligible for anti-viral therapy. Of those eligible for anti-viral 52 and 80 were infected with HCV and HIV respectively. With respect to subjects management outcome in the hepatitis C infected subjects, follow-up was lost in 44(71.0%) while 11(17.7%) subjects survived and 7 (11. 3%) died. Similarly, subjects managements out-come amongst HIV and TB co-infected with HCV infections were fallow-up was lost in 34 (77.3%), 7 (15.9%) survived and 3 (6.8%) died. With respect to TB smear positive co-infected with HCV, subjects management out-come in 17 (58.6%) fallow-up was lost, 6 (20.6%) survived while 6 (20.6%) died. Conclusion: In respect to CD4 lymphocyte count and WHO clinical staging subjects were selected for Antiviral therapy management out-come showed that there was loss of fallow-up for majority of the subjects. However, in those that were successfully monitored, survival rate was consistently higher than mortality rate for all categories of patients except for cases of co-infections by HCV/TB where survival and mortality rates was equal.

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