Markam Pushpa* and Nayak Nikhila Ranjan
Cancer is a leading cause of death group world wide and accounted for 7.4 million death in 2004. The main types of cancer are: Lung, stomach, colorectal, liver, breast. More than 70% of all cancer death occurred in low and middle income countries. Death from cancer world wide are projected to continue rising with an estimated 11.5 million deaths in 2030.Many types of etiological factors are present here which leads to cancer. Pathogenesis of Cancer occurs when changes in a group of normal cell within the body lead to uncontrolled growth causing a lump called a tumour. According to ayurveda imbalance of the three doshas (vata, pitta, kapha) is the root cause of all the disease and so the cause of cancer. A lot of factors are responsible for the vitiation / mitigation of these three doshas. Literary meaning of arbuda is a lump or mass. According to the description given by sushruta, arbuda are gradually increasing mass of big size globular in shap fixed with deeper structure usually do not suppurate giving occasional pain and can occur in any part of the body. It can involve mansa and rakta due to vitiation of tridosha.
Keywords: Cancer, etiological factor, pathogenesis, Arbuda.
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