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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



*Mirza Asif Baig and Dr. Anil K. Sirasagi


Background: D.M is a metabolic disorder characterized by the presence of hyperglycemia due to impaired insulin action/sensitivity and β cell defect. India occupies the second position, after China, in the global list of countries with a total of 66.8 million cases. It has been predicted that the countries with the largest number of people with diabetes mellitus will be from India, China, and US in the year 2025.[1] Discussion: The cut off HbA1c value ≥6.5% (NSGP standards) is taken as new criteria to diagnose T2 Diabetes and it can be used for predicting the complications. Management guidelines(2013) of ADA, ADA + EASD, AACE takes into account HbA1C level. On comparison of these 3 major guidelines AACE takes into account the weight control regime and also management of prediabetic conditions and other related metabolic conditions like HTN, Dyslipidemia. AACE takes into account Incretins(GLP1 agonists) as the 2nd line of drug in treatment of diabetes. Abstract: Studies shows a direct & linear correlation of HbA1C with the diabetic retinopathy and micro-albuminuria. It is very safe to say that HbA1C is better parameter than FBS & 2 hour PP BS level in diagnosing & predicting the complications of diabetes. The main objective of this study is To show the fact that strict control of HbA1C level to normal level can herald the progress of diabetic complications. 1) To evaluate the efficacy and safety of various hypoglycemic drugs 2) To update the latest criteria for diagnosis and management of T2 Diabetes 3) To evaluate various treatment guidelines and merits of new oral hypoglycemic drugs.

Keywords: Type 2 diabetes, Fasting blood glucose, HbA1C, Diabetic retinopathy, Microalbuminuria. ADA (American Diabetes Association), ADA-EASD (European Association for the Study of Diabetes) AACE (American association of clinical endocrinology), HTN- hypertension,

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