*Dr. Rupali Kamath, Dr. Sarandha D. L., Dr. Deepti Patil and Dr. Sangey Chotten Megeji
Tremendous progress has been made in procedures for making fixed prosthodontic impressions over the past few decades. A common objective for impressions and interim crowns or fixed dental prostheses is to register the prepared abutments and finish lines accurately .Fixed dental prosthesis success requires appropriate impression taking of the prepared finish line. This is critical in either tooth supported fixed prosthesis or implant supported fixed prosthesis. If the prepared finish line is adjacent to the gingival sulcus, gingival retraction techniques should be used to decrease the marginal discrepancy among the restoration and the prepared abutment. Accurate marginal positioning of the restoration in the prepared finish line of the abutment is required for therapeutic, preventive and aesthetic purposes. In this article, conventional and modern methods of gingival retraction in the fixed tooth supported prosthesis and fixed implant supported prosthesis are expressed. PubMed and Google Scholar databases were searched manually for studies on gingival tissue managements prior to impression making in fixed dental prosthesis since 1975. Conclusions were extracted and summarized.
Keywords: Impression Making, Gingival Retraction, Cordless Retraction.
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