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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. D. K. Sriram, Sharath Lal, Mehanaz Shaikh, Durgalakshmi, Dr. Sivakumar N., *Dr. Melvin George and Prof. Sunil Bhandari


Introduction: Chronic Kidney disease has become a major public health issue with the steep rise in the incidence of diabetes in the last few decades even among developing countries. We attempted to identify the prevalence of chronic kidney disease among diabetic subjects admitted in the hospital during an 18- month period in a multi-specialty hospital in South India. Methods: The study was a retrospective study where the data was obtained from the Medical records department of the hospital during the period from January 2015 to July 2016. All basic demographic characteristics, clinical and laboratory characteristics were obtained from the hospital records in an anonymous fashion. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. Results: A total of 297 patients were identified to have been admitted with a diagnosis of diabetic kidney disease during the study period of 18 months. This comprised of 1.7 % of the hospital admissions during the study period. The total number of patients with a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease was 649. The majority of the patients (88%) were in the latter stages of CKD. (Stage 3-5), CKD stage 5 being the most common among them. Fifty-two patients were on renal replacement therapy. The most common reason for admission to the hospital was acute worsening of CKD (38.1%), urinary tract infections (10.5%), sepsis (5.1%), lower respiratory tract infections (6.5%), pulmonary oedema (5.1%) and hypoglycaemia (5.4%). Conclusion: There is a definite need to perform large scale screening programmes among the large cohort of subjects that are located within the catchment area of our centre so as to detect CKD at an earlier stage and offer intervention that could reduce burden and progression of the disease.

Keywords: chronic kidney disease, prevalence, retrospective study, south india, admissions.

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 h-index  18  17
 i10-index  64  44



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