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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



El-Saida Abd Elmageed Elrufie Mohamed* and Salwa Al-Sanousi


Tetanus is a leading cause of sickness and death of women worldwide. Neonatal tetanus remained a major public health problem in Sudan and its elimination a dire Challenge. Despite previous attempts at accelerated campaigns in the late 2000, very little impact was achieved 41%. The current maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) elimination initiative was adopted in 2005 as part of a five year plan of action. The research goal was to evaluate the effect of the health education program, on improving the knowledge, attitude and practice of the childbearing mothers towards, tetanus immunization and promotion of clean delivery at Al-Managil and Al-Huda and Al-kermet area during (2010-2013). This was interventional study in which total coverage (400) of child bearing mother were intervened, before and after educational program, (200) of them as intervention group and 200 was control group. Pre-tested questionnaire was used, in order to assess application of health education program addressing mainly tetanus toxoid immunization and clean delivery. Focus groups discussion was conducted among 4 groups in each camp with 6-9 participants each, aiming to identify the wrong concepts and practices. The study using community representatives established health education program addressing EPI goals. After memory gap. Of four months, post intervention survey was conducted. The study showed high illiteracy rate knowledge, about tetanus disease practicing clean delivery and the vaccination (98%) of mothers in both control and study groups in the baseline survey. There were statistical significant improvement of knowledge among study group, regarding the definition, symptoms and signs and mode of transmission and the preventive measures against tetanus disease, (compared to the control group). There was improvement among the intervention group on practicing clean delivery and the vaccination rate from (30%-65%) after correction the wrong concepts addressed by the study during health education program. In conclusion before the education program the people in this area doesn't know even what tetanus is and how clean delivery should be, but there was significant improvement regarding tetanus immunization and practicing clean delivery after it. The study recommended the following: Frequent Education program regarding Immunization in the nearby camps Offer women, guidelines for immunization doses,. Future study to know their knowledge and attitude after the program. Involving community leaders during education and social mobilization.

Keywords: Tetanus, Knowledge, Gezira, Sudan.

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