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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Suryakant D. Rokade*


Jara(aging) is the natural process of life. Jarachikitsa is one of branch of Ayurveda mention in Ashtang Ayurveda. Asthi dhatu has prime importance in rachanatmak and kriyatmak point of view. Ayurveda has given two important remedies Rasayana and Panchakarma for delaying jara avastha. The word Rasayana should not be mistaken as a therapy exclusively related to old age. It prolongs and provide positive health and improve mental faculties. There is classification of age and dominant of different Dosha in different age group of life stated in different classical text of Ayurveda. In elderly people there is dominant of Vata dosha leads to various Dhatukshayajanya vataj vikar. The proposed study aims to describe various Rachanatmak changes osteoarthritis in old age and their management through Ayurveda with the help of Panchkarma and Rasayana therapy. According to modern science geriatrics medicine is a specialty that focus on health care of elderly people. It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults. The aged body is different physiologically from the younger adult body, the decline of various organ systems becomes manifest. There are progressive changes in various system of body including psychological changes. Elderly peoples are more prone to disorder related to musculoskeletal system due to loss of bone density. Bones are more fragile and are more likely to break. After menopause females are suffer from osteoarthritis affecting the daily routine of life. As people age, their joints are affected by changes in cartilage and in connective tissue leads to formation of osteophytes affecting the normal physiological activity of person. Through the critical analysis of the literature it is found that Ayurveda has given remedies in the form of Panchkarma and Rasayana (rejuvenation) drugs.

Keywords: Vata dhosha, Dhatu, Jara, Osteoarthritis, Panchkarma, Rasayana.

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