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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Bhashkar Tripathi*, A.K. Mishra, Soma S. Marla, Ajay k. Shukla, Shashank Rana and Ritu Gour


The Plant Resistance Genes database is a comprehensive resource on resistance genes (R-genes), a major class of genes in plant genomes that impart disease resistance against various stresses including pathogens. The ultimate goal of this project is to gather reported candidate host plant resistance genes and design a user friendly Plant Resistance Gene Database. Plant Resistance Gene Database is a comprehensive searchable information system to enable effortless location of Resistance genes data of particular crops and their diseases. Plant Resistance Gene Database is an open and updated space about Pathogen Receptor Genes (PRGs), in which all information available about these genes is stored, curated and discussed. The purpose of our work is to create a user friendly tool for world community working on plant resistance genes with a constant update on all aspects of this research field and to encourage scientists to be actors of the discussion and of the data exchange. The most represented group of resistance genes belong to the nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) class. These genes have been isolated from the Species of Oryza sativa, Solanum lycopersicum and Cajanus cajan crops. Information such as nucleotide and protein sequences, genomic locations and structural information were automatically retrieved and imported into the PRG database. Since these genes could have been annotated in NCBI as R-genes from other predictive tools, we will refer to them from here on as ‘putative R-Genes collected from NCBI. The PRG database represents the first collection of resistance genes publicly available to the scientific community. Rice Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight and Gall Midge disease are found in Oryza sativa crops and Leaf curl, Phytophthora Infestans disease are important diseases in Solanum lycopersicum and the Fusarium wilt, Pod borer diseases are found in the Cajanus cajan. These genes are located on various plant genomes, and they often occur at specific loci in clusters conserved on chromosomes following gene duplication and amplification events. When these NBS-LRR genes have been physically or genetically mapped, in many cases have shown co-localization between resistance loci and NBS-LRR genes. The database was designed to allow easy integration with other data types and existing and future use of databases.

Keywords: Plant Resistance Genes database, nucleotide binding site–leucine-rich repeat, Pathogen Receptor Genes, Resistance gene.

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