*Vd. Komal Santosh Chavan and Vd. Dattatraya B. Chavan
Adolescents are like ‘butterflies’. They go through a transition period that is full of potential, yet they are so fragile. Adolescents refers to age group between 10-19 years which comprise approximately 1/5th of our total population and assume a dominant influence on our society. Adolescence is the age of major physical, intellectual and emotional growth. Adolescence is one of the most rapid phase of human development and transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. This journey to adulthood contains both opportunities and dangers. Children becomes adults, leave home, and become independent. Because these changes happen so fast, this time is often difficult both for teenager and parent. The negligence in this period may give rise to the many problems. Regarding to health and fertility so the proper care is essential. Pitta Dosha, which has dominance in adolescent stage of life, is associated with transformation, heat and metabolism. Manas Bhavas of children plays important role in adolescent stage. During this phase Ayurvedic Rasayana Chikitsa has wonderful effects on adolescence health.
Keywords: Adolescent, Development, Pitta Dosha, Manas Bhava, Rasayana Chikitsa.
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