Dr. Shabana Sultana* and Dr. Mrudula Chandrupatla
Medical education consists of educational activities which serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, professional performance and relationships that a medical teacher or physician uses to provide services for patients, the public,or the profession. Medical education has increasingly gained attention and has become integral to the educator’s toolbox in medical institutions across the world, especially as technology becomes more pervasive in the current lives. There is growing recognition of the importance of medical education technologies which is now implemented by MCI as faculty development program and also included in the student’s Teaching curriculum. This study is done to assess faculty perception on medical education. Most of the time faculties may attend the medical education workshops for certificate and promotion criteria. So a study is done to know the perception of various faculties in clinical and nonclinical departments of AIMSR.
Keywords: MCI, Questionnaire, Medical education.
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