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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Dr. Altaf Ahmad Bhat, Dr. Farhana Mohmad, Dr. Anjum Shamim*, Dr. Rukaya Akther, Dr. Iqra Bhat and Dr. Sheikh Mushtaq


Background: Association between simple febrile seizure and iron deficiency anemia has been examined in multiple studies with different results. The authors tried to evaluate the association of iron status with febrile seizures. Aim: To study association between iron deficiency anemia and febrile seizures in children. Methods: In this case-control study done over a period of two years from july 2015 to july 2017 in PICU, G B Panth Children Hospital associated with Government College Srinagar, 80 cases and 80 controls were taken. The group A (study group) had all children with a diagnosis of febrile convulsion, aged between 6 months and 6 years, children with developmental delay, neurological deficit, or CNS infection were excluded from the study. The control group B consisted of febrile children without convulsion( controls) were matched to the cases by gender and age. Sample size was calculated by using SPS based on the alpha error 5%, beta error 10%, power of the study = 90%. Provided sample size n = 160, where n1 (cases) = 80 and n2 (controls) = 80. Discrete variables expressed as counts (%) and compared using the chi-square tests. Continuous variables are expressed as mean± S.D. and compared by means of the unpaired, two-sided t-test. Results: Mean age of patients and controls were 27±14 and 27±18 months respectively. Risk factors like prematurity, prior history of febrile convulsions and family history of convulsions showed statistical significance (p value being 0.001, 0.003 and 0.011) among cases. Serum ferritin levels in study group was found to be 55±42.5 microgm/L compared to 130±15 microgm/L of control group and it was the only haematological variable which was statistical significance (p-value 0.03). IDA was found in 40% of cases and 10% of controls (p value 0.002). A patient with febrile seizures was 2.5 times more likely to have IDA. Conclusions: The study found positive association between iron deficiency anemia and febrile seizures.

Keywords: Febrile, Iron deficiency anemia.

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