Naik Shrikant*, Tiwary Mukesh Kumar, Chandrakar Rupendra and Harjpal L. C.
Ayurveda is a Upaveda of Atharvaveda and an ancient medical science, which helps in the maintaining health of healthy individual as well as eradication of disease. The entire corpus of Ayurveda theory and practice revolves around the knowledge of Tridosha. Dosha, Dhatu and Mala together form the basis of the body. The balance of these entities represent the healthy state and imbalance will cause various disease. Pachaka Pitta is one of the five subtype of Pitta. The vishesha sthana of Pachaka Pitta is between Pakvashaya and Amashaya near Jatharagni. Being fiery in nature, this pitta is devoid of liquid component (the water component of this Pitta is less in comparison to the water component of other Pitta sub-types). It not only digests the food but also converts complex food substances which can be absorbed and assimilated. When these simple substances of food go into circulation they reach the tissues. The function of Pachaka Pitta is correlated with the function of gastric enzymes and gastric hormones.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Tridosha, Pachaka Pitta, Gastric enzyme, Gastric hormone.
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