Dr. Shraddha*, Dr. Nikhila Ranjan Nayak, Dr. Aradhna Kande and Dr. Asha Bhardwaj
Ayurveda is an ancient medical science. At that time, art of examination of various diseases was well developed. In Ayurveda the word pariksha is used for examination. Acharya charak has given the concept that the diseases affect both body as well as mind. “Rogamadou parikshet tathonantaram aoushadham” It is very essential that before planning any treatment one should have complete knowledge of roga and rogibala because the given medicine should not be injurious to the body and mind. Different types of pariksha are available in Ayurvedic classical text. At that time the examination was being done only with the help of sense organs and presence of mind. Dashvidha pariksha is mentioned by Acharya Charak. Dashvidha pariksha is the most significant as it encircle all the other types of examination. In dashvidha pariksha except the vikriti pariksha the other nine points are applicable to both swastha and aatura while vikriti pariksha is done only in a patient.
Keywords: Ayurveda, Pariksha, Dashvidha Pariksha.
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