Gazala Hussain*
Rasashastra is a science related to Ayurveda pharmaceutics where formulations are designed using metals, minerals, gem stones, marine drugs, etc. These metals, gemstones, mineral drugs, etc. are used in Ayurveda pharmaceutics; some of these drugs are very rare and expensive. In Ayurveda pharmacology and pharmaceutics, use of substitute drugs is mentioned, in case of non- availability of the drugs. To get the desired property and therapeutic action the substitute drugs are added and the formulation is designed. The uses of substitutes selected are such that they give the desired benefit without compromising the efficacy of the end product. This concept is also found in the branch of Indian alchemy where the substitutes for a few drugs have been mentioned. The rasa dravyas for which substitutes have been mentioned are for gold, chalcopyrite, silver, etc. A literary review on the properties of the original drug mentioned and the substitute drug when reviewed highlights the fact, that the properties are very similar and will be a perfect alteration to the original drug mentioned. But as no research works have been carried out in this area to understand if the efficacy remains the same opens new arenas for works to be taken up in future.
Keywords: Pratinidhi, substitute, swarna, swarnamakshika, rasashastra.
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