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 ISSN 2394-3211

Impact Factor: 7.065

 ICV - 79.57



Zahra A. Ahmed*, Abd Elkareem A. Rabo, Nagla Abdalhafez Mohamed and Asaad Ma. Babker


Background: Breast cancer is the second most common cancer worldwide after lung cancer, the fifth most common cause of cancer death, and the leading cause of cancer death in women. The global burden of breast cancer exceeds all other cancers and the incidence rates of breast cancer are increasing for the early detection of carcinoma of breast, several biochemical markers have been studied to evaluate the malignancy. Aims and Objectives: To study the activity of LDH, GGT and ALP in carcinoma breast and to evaluate whether their levels are significantly higher in breast cancer as compared to normal value. Material and method: Fifty women diagnosed with breast cancer were involved in this cross-sectional study, they were attended to Khartoum oncology hospital for diagnosis, treatment and follow up. They were grade I, II and III. Approval of study to be performed was obtained from each patient and hospital administration as well. Under hygienic condition blood withdrawn in plane containers from each subject considering labeling and data obtained from each one, blood allowed for clot formation and subsequent serum separation which preserved at -20 ℃ for later chemical analysis. Chemical analysis targeted enzymes, GGT, LDH and ALP, they measured by means of spectrophotometer method, using Biosystem device, reagents were Biosystem trademark, they were ready to use. Result: This study conducted in concern of breast cancer, it involved 50 women with established diagnosis, the Mean±SD duration of the disease was (3.52+1.89) years and their age Mean±SD was (38.1+6.31) year’s. They were enrolled in the measurement of GGT, LDH and ALP. Comparing the levels of measured parameters with normal value for each one, brought significant difference for LDH and ALP but no difference obtained for GGT. Enzymes level among the three grades of breast cancer brought significant difference for LDH at grade II and III as p values 0.022 and 0.001 respectively, ALP did not bring any difference among the three grades while GGT has only significant difference at grade III as p value 0.022. Conclusion: The present observational study has shown a significant elevation in serum levels of LDH and GGT in cases of carcinoma Breast while ALP did not bring any significant and suggest that the estimation of LDH and GGTcan be used as routine screening tests in all suspected carcinoma breast patients.

Keywords: LDH, GGT, ALP, Breast Cancer.

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