*Dr. Rashma S.
Life style disorders refer to diseases associated with the way a person or group of people lives. Diet and lifestyle are major factors thought to influence susceptibility to this kind of diseases. With rapid economic, technical development and advancement in every field and especially increasing westernization the lifestyle of common man has completely changed which is leading to many common health problems notably stress, obesity, hypertension, diabetes, allergic disorders and thyroid disorders and many more. Lack of exercise, use of preserved and junk food, smoking habits, and alcohol intake also increase risk of developing these types of diseases especially later in life. Like other diseases, obesity is mostly the result of factors like heredity, environment or food, but it is difficult to decide the involvement of prime factor. It is not possible to change heredity; it is difficult to change environment, but relatively easy to change food habits and life styles. Sthoulya is the nearest clinical entity for obesity in Ayurveda. For causation of Sthoulya, excessive intake of calories with a decreased expenditure of it is the main reason. In Ayurveda, obese persons are included under AstaNinditapurusha. Pathya ahara and vihara has been mentioned exclusively for Sthoulya in Ayurveda.
Keywords: Pathya ahara and vihara.
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