Dr. Luay Rashan, Dr. Mohammed Rishan and Dr. Rafie Hamidpour*
Inflammatory bowel diseases cover a diverse range of conditions generally grouped into Crohn’s disease (CD) or ulcerative colitis (UC) based on clinical, laboratory, radiological, endoscopic, and histological criteria. CD affects the small intestine and large intestine, as well as the mouth, esophagus, stomach and the anus; whereas UC primarily affects the colon and the rectum.[2-4] The exact cause of inflammatory bowel disease remains unknown. One possible cause is an immune system malfunction. Heredity also seems to play a role in that IBD is more common in people who have family members with the disease. In 2015 an estimated 1.3% of US adults (3 million) reported being diagnosed with IBD (either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis). This was a large increase from 1999 (0.9% or 2 million adults). Inflammatory bowel diseases are increasing in Europe. IBS affects 10-25% of the population globally with a slightly higher prevalence in females compared to males. IBD treatment usually involves either drug therapy or surgery. Among drugs used to treat IBD are anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppressor, antibiotics, anti-diarrheal, pain relievers, iron supplements. Complementary and alternative medicine approaches have been used in inflammatory bowel disorders such as using Plantago ovata and curcumin especially in UC maintenance therapy. We describe in this paper a new oral herbal remedy oral that consists of six monographic herbs with potent anti -inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and antispasmodic properties that make it a promising multi-targeted treatment for IBD.
Keywords: Plantago ovata and curcumin.
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