Manashwini Jageer*, I. Saiteja, R. Vidya, Tabassum and D. Shravya
Breast tissues are glandular, ducal stoma which is respond to ovarian hormones, phyllode are the rare type of breast tumors which include a group of lesions of varying malignant potential which grow rapidly within a period of weeks or months to a size up to 10cm and not usually painful. Phyllode are classified as benign, borderline and malignant on the basis of tumor margins.[1] Clinically, tumors are smooth, rounded and multinodular with or without skin ulceration. These tumors are more tend to affect the aged women of 35-55 years. The recurrent rates are 2.7% for benign and 33% for malignant in adolescent, 20% benign and 7% malignant in adult according to Briggs et al.[2] We report a case of 19 years old mentally retarded female patient admitted in our surgical ward with complaints of swelling of the right breast since 15days which gradually increases in size in last 5 days. Physical examination reveals that the breast is associated with blackish discoloration and lump measuring 14x10cm. Interestingly she has a history of no menarche and a known case of epilepsy and had been taking anticonvulsants. Patient was diagnosed with Right breast phyllode by high resolution ultra-sonography of both breast and axilla.
Keywords: Phyllode, rare, 35-55 years, epilepsy, menarche.
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