Raturi Deepshikha* and Dikshit Manisha
Haridra, Curcuma longa, is a part of livelihood since ancient time. Its description as a highly potential medicine is available in vedas as well as oldest ayurvedic samhitas. Acharyas has described different properties of haridra like kaphvatshamak, vishaghna, kusthaghna, vran ropak, vranya etc. In present era many experiments are performed to evaluate its efficacy (anti-microbial, anti-fungal, anti-oxidant-etc) and different methods are employed for extraction of active components. This article overviews properties possessed by haridra as per Ayurveda, its different extraction techniques and in vivo studies performed to evaluate different properties of haridra.
Keywords: Haridra, extraction techniques, anti-microbial, vishghna.
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