*Dr. Nalini Ramesh Hedaoo, Dr. Mamta Ramgopal Biyani and Dr. Mukund Baburao Bandale
Introduction Vitilated vata, kapha and rakta accumulated at mukha pradesha give released to shalmalikantak like pidika called Mukhadushika. It is an inflammatory disorder due to local application of gram-positive bacteria P. acne. It is an eight most common disease worldwide commonly occurs in teenagers. Aims and Objective: -To study detailed about Mukhadushika, To collect bahya chikitsya lepa from different Ayurvedic classical grantha. To review on pharmacological action of single drug containing kalpa. Material & Method: -Local treatment called as Lepa kalpa collected from Yogratnakara, Chakradatta, Sharangdhar Samhita and Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Collection of pharmaceutical action of lepa containing single drug according to Ayurveda and modern science. Discussion- Mukhadushika caused by kapha, vata and rakta dushti, mostly drugs used for local treatment of mukhadushika are tikta katu rasatmaka, katu vipaki shothahar, vedanasthapan, vranaropak, varnya and rarely raktastambhak and having anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, analgesic and antibacterial activity against P. acne and S. Epidermidis..Lodhradi lepa prescribe in all classics for mukhadushika and highly effective in the management of mukhdushika. Conclusion- There is requirement of different studies have to be design, to evaluate antimicrobial effect of all mukhadushikahar lepa for P. acne and S. Epidermidis.
Keywords: Mukhadushika, Lepa, P. acne.
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