*Dr. Aishwary Prabha Patel, Dr. Anita Sharma and Dr. Rajesh Kumar Singh
Good health is perceived to be root of the aim of human life like dharma, artha and kama. According to WHO health is the state of physical, mental, spiritual and social well being and not merely absence of any disease. The object of Ayurveda is to promote and conserve the health strengths and longevity of healthy person and to cure the disease in diseased person. Certain disease affect the health and irritating to the individual’s routine activity. Over and above when neglected they may lead to the series of complication later. Tamak shwas is common disease condition. Now a days a number of individuals suffering from tamak shwas are seen due to modern life style, faulty dietary habitat, intake of excssive cold food items, air pollution, over stress, poor hygiene, more exersion and aviodence of astavidha ahar vidhi visheshayatan according to Ayurveda. In this disease condition patient suffering from breathing difficulty. Prevention is better than cure, food (ahar) play major role for maintainence of health and cure of disease. Ayurveda is the holistic science of life which deals about pathya (wholesome) and apthya (unwholesome) for the management of this disease.
Keywords: Astavidha ahar vidhi visheshayatan, pathya, apthya, tamak shwas.
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